On-line TEST

Check out how you stand with your knowledge to obtain a paragliding pilot's license.
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Test - PL A

1. The wing aspect ratio:

2. The angle of attack is:

3. The centre of gravity of an aircraft:

4. What size and direction is the resultant aerodynamic force in a steady gliding flight?

5. Can we read the best glide ratio speed in front wind from the polar line?

6. Select the correct statement regarding the position of the unconscious affected with a severe trauma:

7. In a normal steady flight:

8. When a paraglider is in steady flight in an ideal environment (no wind) at a glide ratio 6, then it means that:

9. The main cause of atmospheric convection is:

10. The 10 m/s wind speed is:

11. When I. kind cold front passes, the precipitation zone is:

12. Which type of precipitation comes off water only containing clouds at mid-latitudes?

13. Dew point is:

14. With increasing height, atmospheric pressure:

15. When climbing through the transition altitude the altimeter setting is changed. If the local QNH is 1023 hPa, what will happen to the altimeter data?

16. By releasing the speed system the flight speed is:

17. The take off direction and place choice is subject to:

18. What does the term „spin” mean?

19. When entering a thermal current:

20. Ridge soaring is practiced so that:

21. The heading of aircraft and its direction of movement compare to ground is:

22. The difference between UTC and Central European Summer Time (CEST) time is:

23. 045 degrees is direction:

24. 10 cm in map with 1 : 200 000 scale refers of real distance:

25. Geographical North and South:

26. Time is reported:

27. The earth axix is a line intersecting the center of the earth perpendicularly to the equator. The points where this line intersects the earth surface are called poles and they are:

28. During ground handling training the glider lifts the pilot above the ground in a wind gust unexpectedly. The correct procedure is:

29. If I stall the glider:

30. After an asymmetric collapse the correct procedure is:

31. A glider with an asymmetric collapse tends to:

32. When sucked in a vertically developed cloud the best to do is:

33. If one side of canopy is stalled, the pilot should:

34. LAA regulation, which governs the rules of flying a paraglider in the Czech Republic is called:

35. Pilots must have the documents required for flying a light aircraft:

36. Airport operations are:

37. After landing at the airport, the altimeter set to the airport QFE indicates:

38. An overtaking plane is that which approaches the overtaken aircraft from behind on a line forming with a plane of symmetry of the overtaken aircraft angle of less than:

39. TMA (Terminal Control Area)

40. An aircraft in flight or moving on the ground must give way to the aircraft:

41. A paraglider is the most damaged by:

42. Risers are:

43. The signal to the rescue helicopter from persons on the ground is done:

44. Fractures of upper limbs are preferably fixed by:

45. "Gasping breaths" mean:

46. Chest compression during resuscitation is performed:

47. Resuscitation (animation) is needed to be performed if the afflicted:

48. In practice, we can recognize the malfunction of blood stream (cardiac arrest) by the fact that:

49. Choose the true statement about the obligation to provide first aid:

50. During an improvised transport of an unconscious afflicted: