On-line TEST

Check out how you stand with your knowledge to obtain a paragliding pilot's license.
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Test - PL A

1. On which part of the glider canopy is the largest lift, seen from the front?

2. The polar line is a chart expressing:

3. Which of the following pilot inputs increases the angle of attack?

4. There are aerodynamic forces generated on a body in flow. They are called:

5. The aerodynamic drag is a sum of:

6. The optimal gliding ratio can be flown:

7. When increasing the angle of attack:

8. The chord is:

9. Dangerous storm phenomena are:

10. Which of the following clouds can spread over several levels (according to hight levels of clouds)?

11. The boundary between troposphere and stratosphere is called:

12. Half of the weight of the earth's atmosphere is located in the bottom:

13. Air density:

14. The main cause of atmospheric convection is:

15. The speed of a thermal current depends on:

16. I increase the flight speed by:

17. Spiral is performed by:

18. The heading of aircraft and its direction of movement compare to ground is:

19. The take off control includes:

20. An asymmetric collapse of about 1/2 of the leading edge should be solved by:

21. When entering a downdraft:

22. The horizontal velocity is given:

23. Course is measured in degrees from north:

24. The earth axix is a line intersecting the center of the earth perpendicularly to the equator. The points where this line intersects the earth surface are called poles and they are:

25. 10 cm in map with 1 : 200 000 scale refers of real distance:

26. Time of sunrise and sunset varies:

27. Contour lines are curves connecting points of the same:

28. In mid-air collision about 50 to 100 m above the terrain the correct procedure is:

29. If a pilot is being dragged by strong wind along the ground, he should:

30. In strong wind a pilot flew in a place where his ground speed against the wind is zero:

31. Use the reserve parachute without hesitating:

32. You miscounted the landing approach and need to shorten it. You are 30 m above the ground:

33. If during a flight the reserve parachute drops out accidentally and opens:

34. The prohibited airspace (LKP):

35. Upper limit of G class airspace is in:

36. A "P" technical certificate of a paraglider may be issued:

37. VFR flights in C, D and E classes airspace may be carried out at a distance from clouds:

38. Airdrome traffic zone (ATZ) is of such dimensions:

39. Flying a paraglider is allowed:

40. Pilots must have the documents required for flying a light aircraft:

41. A paraglider is the most damaged by:

42. Risers are:

43. When stopping bleeding by tourniquet, the principle is:

44. A paraglider in a spin fell nearby. On our approach he lies on his back, unconscious, not breathing, bluish. No clearly visible injury is obvious. We'll call an ambulance and firstly:

45. Choose the true statement about a position of a serious injury afflicted:

46. In improvised conditions fracture fixing is:

47. After applying tourniquet the wound is still bleeding:

48. If improvised transport of an insured PG pilot is necessary (for example in difficult terrain), as the best means of transport will serve:

49. For the quality of resuscitation, the most crucial is:

50. Choose the true statement about a position of an unconscious afflicted: